World’s Smallest Cell Phone Charger Is Smaller Than You Think

12 years ago

I remember having a Motorola bag phone back in the '90s. It came in a big, bulky black bag, and…

Facebook Smartphone: This Is What It Will Look Like

12 years ago

As most of you know, Facebook has been rumored to be working on a Facebook smartphone. Their own phone would…

Airline Industry Now Using iPads In The Cockpit To Increase Efficiency

12 years ago

We all know that iPads are replacing textbooks in many schools around the world. Apple has sold over 4.5 million…

4 Ways To Use Gadgets & Online Services To Find Love

12 years ago

In this modern technological age, the increase of online dating, social media sites, mobile apps and other new phenomena have…

26 Things To Consider Before Developing Your Website [Infographic]

12 years ago

If you have a blog that you update often, you know how exciting it is to watch new people find…

Top 5 Mistakes That Compromise Your Web Security [Infographic]

12 years ago

If you've been using a computer for any extended period of time, you probably don't need to be reminded of…

Modern Gadgets Turned Into 100-Year-Old Relics [30 Pictures]

12 years ago

Gadgets are one of the primary solutions for optimization in the world. We buy them to make sure we're plugged…

Tear Off Flash Drives Enable Emergency Storing Of Files

12 years ago

We all know there is an abundance of USB flash drives for sale around the world. Still, there are new…

Impressive Nano Polymer Coating Spray Prevents Staining Of Any Kind

12 years ago

Every once in a while, there comes along a new thing that amazes us. It can be anything from a…

High Tech Translator Pen Could Revolutionize Reading & Writing

12 years ago

When I went to school, there were no gadgets that could instantly translate spoken words or text into other languages.…