Nintendo NES Controller Mug For The Epically True Geek

12 years ago

Geeks have their own ways of geekifying their offices and cubicles. Some geeks just get a customized coffee mug, while…

Midlife Crisis: Overall Job Satisfaction In America [Infographic]Midlife Crisis: Overall Job Satisfaction In America [Infographic]

Midlife Crisis: Overall Job Satisfaction In America [Infographic]

12 years ago

There is no question that the state of jobs and job satisfaction has changed in America over the past few…

Social Discovery Tools Will Rejuvenate Any Following [Infographic]

12 years ago

Social media is an ever evolving technology. The tools available today are way more advanced than what they were at…

Interactive 3D Model Of Darth Vader’s Epic Tie Fighter

12 years ago

Have you ever watched a Star Wars movie and wondered what it would be like to check out those epic…

How To Live A Happy Life (According To A Cat)

12 years ago

If someone were to ask you how to live a happy life, what would you say? Do you live a…

MyFitnessPal App: Helps Reduce Sugar & Calories In Your Diet

12 years ago

I am reminded that real bears live wet and wild on sugar after seeing this animation of bears drinking too…

Time To Get Retro: Compact Discs & How They Affected Our Lives

12 years ago

In case you missed it, the 30th anniversary of the first compact disc sale was on October 1st. The CD…

The Truth About Driving Distractions [Infographic]

12 years ago

If you've been reading Bit Rebels for a while, you probably know that I live in Atlanta. Two days ago,…

Choose Wisely: Company Name Or Domain Name First? [Infographic]

12 years ago

Now that it's critical for every business to have an online presence, we are faced with finding a domain name…

Ultimate iPhone Dock For The Retro Traveling Geek

12 years ago

It's funny how a new gadget can make you stop using your old gadgets. Take the iPhone 5 for example…