Nicholas Greene

“I write for the same reason I breathe, because if I didn’t, I would die.”- (Isaac Asimov) Few quotes describe Nick as well as that one. A writer and geek from the day he was born, Nick’s been writing since he was old enough to hold a pen and gaming for even longer. His love of the written word is only matched by his love of gaming and technology. When he’s not writing, he spends his time gaming, with friends, or zoning in on the latest trends in the industry. You can visit his blog by clicking over to Double Crit, or you can reach him at

Minecraft Replica Of Westeros Puts Your Dirt Hut To Shame

I like to think I'm pretty good at Minecraft. I can build some pretty impressive stuff, given the time and…

12 years ago

Clockwork Horrors & Ancient Time Lords At PAX East

There's always some awesome stuff to be found on Reddit, though sadly, I have to admit that I wasn't the…

13 years ago

Wreck-It Ralph Is A Gamer’s Trip Down Memory Lane

One of the most exciting things I saw at E3 didn't even have anything to do with gaming. Well, not…

13 years ago

Absurd Etsy Posting Offers To Put Nicholas Cage In Any Picture

The things you find on Etsy... I'm honestly still trying to figure out if this one's serious or not (I'm…

13 years ago

See The Scale Of The Universe: Prepare To Be Blown Away

I love learning, and I'm positively thrilled whenever I get the chance to gather new information (I'm strange like that).…

13 years ago

Find Out If You Share A Birthday With Batman [Infographic]

Everybody loves finding out facts about their favorite fictional characters, right? I can't be the only one who thinks it'd…

13 years ago

Play Nintendo On A Nintendo Cartridge

Yo Dawg, I heard you like Nintendo games... Sorry, I couldn't resist. Now, I'm sure there's more than one child…

13 years ago

The Terrible Power Of Mass Effect’s Character Creator

For some people, the opportunity to create their own character with which to live out a rich, storied narrative is…

13 years ago

Gaming For A Good Cause: Geeks Without Sleep

This post is going to be a touch different from my usual fare - if indeed I even have anything…

13 years ago

Geek Chic: The Geekiest Furniture Ever Made

I've always kind of wanted to live in Seattle. I've got a friend from the city, and she says that…

13 years ago

The Gamer’s Dream Home

I want this house. I want to live there, I want to game there. I want to be able to…

13 years ago

The Mark Of A True Fan: Megaman X Corrupted

The Blue Bomber will always hold a special place in my heart. Megaman 3 was the first game I ever played, and Megaman…

13 years ago

Play N64 Games On The Go With Electus

Who here remembers the Nintendo 64? Children of the 90s, let's hear you sound off! Developed at a time when…

13 years ago

Find Your Photo’s Source With TinEye

Admittedly, this isn't the sort of thing I'd usually blog about... but hey, it's information everybody can use - particularly…

13 years ago

Love Hulten’s R-Kaid-6 MAME Console

If you’re looking for the perfect combination of geeky and artsy, look no further than Love Hultén. Hultén, an artist…

13 years ago