
Junk Drawer and Trash Portraits: Creative Inspiration

Do you have a "junk drawer" at your house? You know, it's the place where you toss things that don't…

14 years ago

Stunning Leather Masks: Would You Wear One?

Are these masks fabulous or what? This is the exact kind of thing I would wear for Halloween, and they…

14 years ago

Army Helmets: Their New And Fun Recycled Purpose!

I am one of those people who is heavily against any form of war and conflict. It breaks my heart…

14 years ago

Star Wars Wrestling: The Posters!

I don't know what it is lately, but I have come to love the retro ad campaigns and the way…

14 years ago

Every Time You Make A Bad Ad: This Happens!

It's not exactly an understatement to say that the advertising industry is built upon the imagination and ideas of a…

14 years ago

The Mighty Wallet: A Strong, Earth Friendly Way To Carry Cash

We all carry money differently. Some of us carry big wallets, some carry leather pouches, and others just use a…

14 years ago

Creative High Heels Inspired by Bikers, Crystals and Rock Stars

Lauren Tennenbaum is a young designer inspired by bikers, rock crystals and rock stars. Her latest shoes have a flavor…

14 years ago

The Secret Life Of A Mouse In Pictures

The last time I wrote about the daily life of another creature, it was all about a fly in an…

14 years ago

Creative 3D Pancake Designs: Food Inspiration

I like it when designers make unique creations with food. I sometimes create sculptures with my own food. I know…

14 years ago

Bicycle Chain Chandelier: No More Running For The Light!

While I am on the subject of interior design, I might as well bring you something so out there that…

14 years ago