
Every Revision To The Star Wars Movies Since 1977 [Infographic]

If you have been awake at all lately, you probably have not missed the new box release of the Star…

13 years ago

QR Code Island: When Hi-Tech & Low-Tech Combine

Interesting things always seem to happen when high-tech and low-tech materials get mixed together into creative art. We've featured this…

13 years ago

Drainage Tube Hotel: Next Generation Recycled Living

The space we occupy in this physical world is getting ever smaller while the space we take up virtually is…

13 years ago

12 Past Present & Future Corporate Logo Designs

Following the evolution of logos is fascinating. I'm not a designer, but I think one of the keys to a…

13 years ago

Geeks vs. Nerds: The Anatomy [Infographic]

Everyone and their mother is going around saying they are a geek just because they feel they... well, want to…

13 years ago

8 Lines That Would Have Ended Star Wars Really Fast

Not too long ago, there was (and I think they are still making them) cartoon videos on YouTube which dealt…

13 years ago

Super Mario vs. Street Fighter: The Epic Mashup [10 Pics]

Another day another mashup! That's how it is here at Bit Rebels, and we love it! As usual (and to…

13 years ago

Nike Air Mags Are In Lego As Well!

So how do you like those new Nike Air Mags? They're pretty sweet, aren't they? When I saw that Nike…

13 years ago

Cardboard Star Wars: Homemade AT-AT & Millennium Falcon

What would you do if you were kid, you just got home from school, it's raining outside, and all your…

13 years ago

Retro Nintendo 64 Star Wars Tie Fighter Game Console

Since we love retro video games, we often write about them on Bit Rebels. My very first memory of playing…

13 years ago