
Celebrities In Real Life Disney Character Portraits

We've seen all kinds of spoofs and funniness surrounding Disney. It's pretty much the best subject to spoof since they…

13 years ago

12 Crazy Traffic Laws You Definitely Didn’t Know About

I don't think anyone will disagree with me when I say we're living in a crazy world. People in power…

13 years ago

Manual Photography: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

After having worked with my co-workers here at Bit Rebels for over two years now, we have a certain way…

13 years ago

The Graf Mobile: Every Graffiti Artist’s Wet Dream

If I am not mistaken, we have touched on this subject before when it comes to graffiti artists. I think…

13 years ago

Geektastic Collection Of Star Wars Inspired Party Foods

I'm in the mood to throw a Star Wars party for all my Twitter friends. Wouldn't that be fun? If…

13 years ago

iPhone Home Button Stickers: Trippy iPhone Customization

Ever since the iPhone was first launched, it became clear that the customization industry was going to turn their eyes…

13 years ago

The Science Of Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse

It seems we can never get too much of the infographics around here. This is especially true when they come…

13 years ago

12 Images Of This Giant Pin Art Installation Makes You Go Absolutely Pin Up

Check out this pin art installation! It's one of those epic gadgets (or toys rather) that we have all, at…

13 years ago

34 Amazing Original Star Wars Storyboard Illustrations

I haven't watched any of the original Star Wars movies for a while, and as a matter of fact, I…

13 years ago

The Real Steampunk Iron Man Suit Is Magnificent

The insanely successful brand and franchise of Iron Man took the world by storm. I must admit that when I…

13 years ago