
5 Bars Of Soap Designed To Keep Gaming Geeks Smelling Goooood

If you're a gamer who likes to stay locked up inside your house in your own world on the weekends…

12 years ago

How To Look Like You Can Solve A Rubik’s Cube Even If You Can’t

Hey, that's cheating! Well, not really. If you ask me, learning this little insider secret for solving a Rubik's cube…

12 years ago

LEGO Controller For Nintendo NES That Actually Works

The creativity of LEGO builders has always immensely impressed me. Their ability to create things out of blocks that actually…

12 years ago

Order Of The Stick: The Best Webcomic For D&D Fans

Since I'm a lifelong fan of the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons, and a lifelong fan of webcomics, I…

12 years ago

Sci-Fi Fantasy Cosplay: Alien & Predator Are Best Buddies After All

We've featured some pretty insane sci-fi fantasy cosplay over the years, but this Alien and Predator cosplay is intense. I…

12 years ago

Retro Super Mario Belt Wraps An Entire Level Around Your Waist

If you were around in the middle of the '80s, you could probably turn on a Nintendo NES game station…

12 years ago

All The Main Star Trek Characters From 6 Versions In One Geeky Chart

Star Trek is such a geek classic, and if you are a trekkie, you're going to drool over this massive…

12 years ago

DIY Doctor Who “Crack In The Universe” For Your Own Wall

I'm a huge fan of the Doctor, and I've incorporated a TARDIS into many aspects of my life. My hand-painted…

12 years ago

Shatoetry: William Shatner iPhone App Celebrates The Spoken Word

Formerly Captain of the Starship Enterprise and more recently Master of the Twitterverse, William Shatner is taking his distinctive Shatneresque…

12 years ago

Guy Spectacularly Proposes With The Iron Man Arc Reactor

When it comes to marriage proposals, it seems there is no one as creative as the geek. We have seen…

12 years ago