
World’s Only Life-Size Chocolate Car Is Now Complete

The holidays are over, and we are slowly emptying the candy bowls one by one. Everyone's "new" life has once…

12 years ago

What’s Important To Men & Women vs. What We Say [Infographic]

If someone were to ask you, "What areas of your life would you like to improve the most?" would you…

12 years ago

8 Steps To Cover Your Whole House In Bacon [Infographic]

Bacon has definitely had its share of ups and downs over the past few years, but through it all, it's…

12 years ago

DIY Edible Cookie Bra That’s Made From A Mold Of You

There are all kinds of ways you can show your sweetie that you love him. You could even buy one…

12 years ago

World’s Shortest Escalator (Less Than 3 Feet) Is A Glorious Experience

This is one of those little pieces of information that may seem useless right now, but when you're fighting for…

12 years ago

11 Intriguing Additions To The 2013 Guinness World Record Book

We write a lot about different world records as they occur since it's always inspiring to see people push the…

12 years ago

12 Very Strange Photographs Of People Watching Television

If aliens flew over our planet in their spaceships and peeked into our homes when we were watching television, what…

12 years ago

That’s One Way To Remember Them…New Year Resolutions Cookies

It's that time of year again...the time when many of us make a long list of all the ways we…

12 years ago

All The Real & Ridiculous Ways The World Could End [Infographic]

Have you ever thought about all the ways the world could end? Hopefully not since it's not exactly the most…

12 years ago

The Lifespan Of 10,000 Fresh Roses In 6 Dramatic Pictures

One of the world's most beautiful flowers is the red rose, at least to me. Receiving fresh roses is always…

12 years ago