Everyone knows the Internet is growing fast. That's no mystery. The question is, do you know how fast? According to…
A month ago we wrote about a service that lets you 3D print your head on a stormtrooper figure. It…
Star Wars geeks are passionate. When they create something inspired by Star Wars, it's usually extraordinary. This includes everything from…
There have been many romantically geeky marriage proposals over the years. People seem to be getting more creative when it…
Sometimes it seems like Microsoft is in a no win situation. They have a reputation for not being innovative enough,…
Unless we're at the gym working out, sweat on clothes is just plain gross. There is nothing sexy about sweaty…
It's likely that after Google glass is available to everyone in 2014, there will be another company that creates something…
Have you ever been dancing in the rain? I mean r-e-a-l-l-y dancing in the rain? I haven't, but I would…
People are 3D printing everything these days, and I do mean everything. This includes body parts, food, incredible replicas, machine…
I love fuzzy, cozy socks. I wear them all year round. When I saw these wearable computer socks, I immediately…