Categories: Design

12 Crazy Cool Custom Smart Car Designs

I think Smart Cars are so cute. I’ve never seen one in real life (or at least not that I can remember), but in the pictures they look like little toy cars that wind up. They resemble something that is in between a go-kart and a car. Of course, I’m saying this from an American perspective. It’s no wonder Smart Cars aren’t popular here in the States since this is the land of supersizing everything from our food to our houses to our cars.

Someday I hope to drive one of these fun cars so I can see what it feels like. I bet it will be a very different experience compared to the cars I’m used to driving now. It seems that some people really get creative with their Smart Car designs. I even found a few links online for Smart Car design competitions. How cool is that?

I put together a little collection here of some designs that I really liked. I keep wondering how the driver gets into the monster truck design below. I suppose you’d have to use a ladder, right? The tires on that thing are 55 inches in diameter, and that badboy sports 26 inch rims! Oh, and Hello Kitty? Really? The Batman design is without a doubt my favorite. Which one do you like best?

Custom Smart Car DesignsCustom Smart Car Designs

It’s hard to see in this picture, but the design on this car is crocheted!

If you would like to see more fluttering car eyelashes, you can click over to Eyelashes and Eyeliner For Your Car.

These last two designs are just a bonus for you. They are obviously not real cars, but dang they sure are cute! :)

Via: [TechEBlog] [Oddee] [Walyou] [E Mercedes Benz]

Diana Adams

Diana has a passion for blogging. You can usually find Diana working in her home office in Atlanta or sitting in the corner of a downtown Starbucks somewhere with her mobile devices in one hand and a Grande Caramel Macchiato in the other. She loves Star Wars, hot chicken wings, and nice people.

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