Categories: Design

Artistic Inspiration: A Badass Steampunk Etch-A-Sketch

We’ve written a lot of articles about steampunk and etch-a-sketch on Bit Rebels, so it only makes sense to combine them both into what can only be described as a steampunk beauty.

Of all the steampunk creations I’ve seen, this one is definitely up there as one of my favorites. Reddit user Halokitty and her husband put this badboy together as a gift for one of their friends. Wow, must be nice!

They pulled many of these parts off of a boiler in their basement that is over 100 years old. They explain how they put it all together here on reddit, and as they say, “nothing on here is hot glued or slapped together.” This is a custom built, painted, sanded, glossed, loved little masterpiece, which actually still functions as an etch-a-sketch.

Some people online are arguing over whether or not this is actually steampunk, cyberpunk or best described by another pop culture adjective. Halokitty jokes that she could have called it a Vintage Futuist Self Contained Clockwork and Valve Powered Mechanical Anachronism. Well, whatever it really is or should be called, it’s amazing and inspiring.

Via: [Craziest Gadgets]

Diana Adams

Diana has a passion for blogging. You can usually find Diana working in her home office in Atlanta or sitting in the corner of a downtown Starbucks somewhere with her mobile devices in one hand and a Grande Caramel Macchiato in the other. She loves Star Wars, hot chicken wings, and nice people.

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