Categories: Design

Helping Hand Rebranding To Help Underprivileged Children Read

I am writing about this because I personally like the mission of the Reading Is Fundamental organization. It also hit my design radar because the illustrative icon designs and other work the New York agency and other contributing artists (Steven Harrington, Mark Giglio, Todd St. John, Dan Stiles, and Elena Xausa) put together is really solid work for us illustrative geeks reading Bit Rebels. This large creative team made a set of iconic illustrative logos to tell and revive the Reading Is Fundamental story, which includes their mission to provide millions of free books and literary resources to kids in underprivileged communities.

The New York agency, Mother, is helping RIF gain momentum in their goal to be relevant, current and “on trend” in today’s society. According to agency art director Christian Cervantes, the new identity seeks to create “an emotional connection to the brand, so in creating the identity we wanted it to appeal to their inner child…”

The logo marks are all centered on a simplified book-shaped logo that the designer(s) integrate into the RIF visual branding in various ways. The book’s illustrative element is the design device that glues the entire identity system together in a way that brings consistency and cohesion throughout. This is good illustrative story telling, in my opinion, even though I was shocked at the sheer number of icons when I viewed them all together on a one-page graphic. I had to recall, as an experienced designer, that this is not the intended use or way that the viewer is supposed to experience the logo design symbols.

Via: [GDAUSA] [Mother]

Andrea Robinson

Andrea Robinson is an illustrative graphic designer who believes success is largely defined and attained by following your vision, doing work you love and working with people you enjoy. Andrea is known for her superpower to move calmly through crisis while helping others. She loves brilliant design, artists, the feel of paint on her hands, sun on her face and squishy sand between her toes. You will find her writing for small business owners on her business blog AT Design & Illustration.

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