We’ve written about shoes with LEDs several times over the past few years. Apparently designers really like to put those little lights on shoes. In my opinion, most of the shoes that we’ve seen with them in the past have been, well, ugly. They are usually boring sneakers lined with LEDs or something. Of course the Nike Air Mags were cool, but for the most part, I give them a thumbs down.
These shoes are very different. These remote controlled, steampunk, vintage LED badboys are not ugly at all, they are quite the opposite. You’d attract geek guys to you like bees on honey if you wore these on the dance floor. With simply a touch on your remote control, you could change the colors, the speed of the colors fading in and out, or even go into “strobe light” mode and start blinking. There are 16 different colors and 5 different actions. The brightness goes from dim to “light saber.”
In addition to that, they have just the right amount of vintage lace on them to keep them girly and very pretty. These were created by Etsy users HotAirBalloonRide (Kristen and Tysen), and of course, they are one-of-a-kind. If you’d like to grab them for yourself, simply visit their Etsy store where you can pick them up for a cool $180. The video below shows them in action.
Via: [Geek Alerts]
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