Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

I guess anyone who has been working with website design for a long period of time knows the importance of an optimized landing page. It’s what could make up a whole business, depending on what the company offers. In order to entice your visitors to read further, take you up on your offer or even become a client or customer, you need to make sure the landing page clearly and optimally presents the key features of your service or product. That way, visitors don’t have to spend a long time trying to find the information they are there to collect. To put it simply, it makes for a much faster and more optimized consumer handshake.

Creating an optimal landing page is of course not the easiest of tasks. The more successful ones have been at it for years, and they have worked at their trade and approach to the point where they are almost perfect. For someone who is entirely new to the trade, this task may not be so easy. In order to help you understand and maybe utilize the knowledge acquired by these “professionals,” Pardot put together what they call the Complete Guide To Successful Landing Pages. It will take you through all of the variables necessary to make your “pitch” as optimized as possible.

It’s a straight up easy to follow “step-by-step” explanation guide that takes each area into account. Follow this, and you will at least have touched the most important elements of a successful landing page. However, the Internet is an ever changing entity and in order to stay up-to-date with trends and how visitors approach your site, you constantly need to update, refine and optimize your landing page. It’s probably the most important aspect of it all. Without updating it, it will rapidly become old and yesterday’s news. Trends and features have to be updated to show that you are in the game and on top of your trade so to speak. Be creative and start trends. Every successful person will tell you that thinking out of the box, or even a couple of years ahead (no matter how crazy your idea is), is what will make you reach your goals. If your heart is entirely on board with what you do, you will succeed! Simple as that.

Click Infographic To Enlarge


Via: [Visual.ly]