Categories: Geek

10 Epic Cosplay Costumes That Are Better Than The Originals

The cosplay community is just growing and growing. It has become so large that at any gaming or technology event, you will most likely spot some kind of cosplay by the advertisers as well as the visitors. It’s a way to bring the epic into our ordinary world. There are of course many levels of cosplay, and some costumes are slightly less elaborate than others. But they all have one thing in common, and that is that they all portray the things we have seen on our screens at some point. The time spent on these costumes varies as well, and the more epic ones usually get the most attention, as we know. The lesser and more “ordinary” (if you can use that word when it comes to cosplay) costumes are just there to basically just grab your attention.

As you know, we here at Bit Rebels always love showing off the more epic things, and this Sunday is no exception. While having my morning tea today, I set out to find some of the most epic cosplay costumes that have ever seen the light of day. I managed to find a group of 10 costumes that I know any cosplayer would drool over and take to one of these events. To my best ability, I have tried to give credit to the ones who built them, but if I have messed up or missed one or two, please correct me, and I will be sure to add credit where it is due.

As you will see from these images, most of them are builds that you couldn’t even imagine if you tried. The epicness of them all shouldn’t be hard to spot, and I would highly urge anyone to share a link to some cosplay that might be even more epic. Diana wrote a piece about cosplay about a year ago that involved the Top 10 Sexy Geek Girl Fashion & Cosplay Costumes that is certainly is a great follow up after you have checked these costumes out. The ones in this article are a little bit more… elaborate than the ones in Diana’s article. However, it’s kind of hard to be sexy when you have about 200 pounds of cosplay attached to you, right?

Shared By: UFunk – French Website

Created By: The Mirror Melts

Created By: Stephanie Briles for Epic Games

Created By: Brooklyn Ironhide

Created By: Masterle247

Created By: Dale Harvey

Created By: Unknown – Featured: Gears Of Halo

Created By: Unknown – Featured: GeekxGirls

Created By: Alex The Movie Geek

Created By: Unknown – Featured: Girl Gone Geek

This last one is epic in its own little way and thus deserves to be in this collection. If you know who the creators are for the ones listed as “Unknown,” then by all means leave a comment in the comment section below, and I will be sure to insert the credits accordingly.

Richard Darell

Richard Darell is the founder and CEO of Bit Rebels, a multifaceted online news outlet that reports daily on the latest developments in technology, social media, design and everything geek. Today this media entity welcomes more than 3.5 million unique visitors per month and is considered the go-to place for people in constant motion. As an Internet entrepreneur, he is dedicated to constantly trying to develop new ways to bring content faster and closer to the end user in a more streamlined way. His excitement for statistics has allowed him to further develop systems that continuously produce accurate and fast-paced analytics to better optimize the approach by which Bit Rebels presents news and content. His graphic design background has proven to be an important tool when designing new systems and features for Bit Rebels since the development of solid and stable code depends entirely on their structure and implemented procedures. Richard currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden and directs the Bit Rebels offices in both Stockholm and Atlanta. You can reach Richard at

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