There are a lot of festivals around the world each year. Since festivals are usually outside, some are in the scorching heat, and others endure heavy rain and thunderstorms. Yeah, it can really be that bad. With so many people treading the ground in front of the stages and each festival’s epicenter, it can easily get muddy, which we all know can lead to a shoe nightmare. If you are a festival fanatic, you know better than to take your best sneakers with you when checking out the bands and attractions. Some people still want to bring their good ones though, and they need protection. This particular protection comes in the form of plastic bag Converse sneakers. Not too bad, right?
These plastic bag Converse sneakers are totally the WTF of the day, but in such a good way that I had to change the WTF to What The Funderful. I have no doubt these will become a big trend in the coming years when it comes to festival wear. Think about how much money you will save by not having to spend it on washing your shoes or buying new ones. Just slip a pair of these over your shoes and voila, you are ready to plummet into even the deepest pool of mud in front of the stage.
This might even end up giving you the best spot in the audience since I am sure not many people, I mean sane people, would want to stand in a pool of mud for a couple of hours until the concert is over. These plastic bad Converse sneakers are really called Festival Feet and will cost you £4.99 for a pair. You can even choose the color on your plastic bag converse sneakers. They come in blue, red and yellow. Now all that is left is a kickass festival to go to… Hmm… which one would make the most sense…
Plastic Bag Converse Sneaker Protection
Via: [UFunk – French]
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