Categories: Lifestyle

Things You Need To Know About Petitions For Rehearing In California State

Most of the time, petitions are filed in a lower court. Rehearing petitions allow you to correct mistakes and oversights in the initial rulings by presenting arguments or supporting documentation, and if the court has the authority to grant or deny these petitions, an appellate counsel may be hired to take the case to a higher court.

Most appeals are not successful. Only about 20 percent of civil appeals have their judgment reversed by the California courts of appeal. For a better outcome in your case, you can reach out to an appeals attorney near you.

So keep reading as we tackle the fundamentals of Petitions for Rehearing in California, explaining their importance, workings, and consequences within the state’s legal system.


Reasons For Filing A Petition And Deadlines

In California, particularly in Orange County, petitions for rehearing have to be prepared within a very short period of time; the specific legal grounds for your request have to be clearly outlined. This means providing detailed reasons supported by legal precedent or statutes that demonstrate why a rehearing is necessary.

Common grounds for filing a petition include:

  • Errors in the application or interpretation of the law
  • Newly discovered evidence that wasn’t available during the original hearing
  • A belief that the court overlooked important facts or made a decision contrary to the evidence presented.

Filing a petition for rehearing will require strict adherence to the established timeframes to have your request considered. In California, the deadline for submitting a petition for rehearing is generally within 15 days after the court issues its decision. Immediately initiate this process to avoid missing the deadline, as late petitions are likely to be rejected.

Grounds For Petition Rejection

To increase the chances of your petition for rehearing being accepted in California, make sure that it doesn’t contain any procedural errors that could lead to rejection.

Petitions for rehearing can be rejected for various grounds, like:

  • Failure to comply with the correct format
  • Missing the deadlines
  • Not presenting new legal arguments or evidence
  • The reason for the hearing is not clearly stated.
  • Fails to address the specific legal errors in the original decision.
  • It contains irrelevant information
  • If it’s based on emotional appeals rather than legal reasoning,

Carefully review the requirements for filing a petition for rehearing and have all necessary documents included and properly formatted to avoid rejection on procedural grounds. Pay attention to these details to improve the chances of your petition being considered by the court.

Procedures For Filing A Petition

When filing a petition for rehearing, you can refer to the steps below to meet all requirements and guidelines:

  1. Make sure your petition is filed within the designated time frame, typically within 15 days of the court’s decision being rendered.
  2. Include a table of contents, a concise statement of the case, and a detailed argument section outlining the reasons for requesting rehearing.
  3. Provide proof of service to all parties involved in the case.
  4. Format your petition according to the court’s rules, including margins, font size, and citation format.
  5. Double-check for any specific requirements unique to the court where your case was heard.

Implications Of Rehearing Decisions

If the court grants a petition for rehearing, it means that the judges have agreed to reconsider the case, and the decision may be different from the original one. This offers you a second chance to present your arguments and evidence, which could result in a more favorable outcome for your case.

If the court were to deny a petition for rehearing, it means that the original decision stands. This could be a setback if you were hoping for a different outcome, as it indicates that the court isn’t willing to revisit the case. Rehearing decisions can impact the final resolution of your legal matter in California, so be sure to consider the potential consequences carefully before pursuing a petition for rehearing.


To file a petition for rehearing in California state courts, make sure you’re within the time frame, have solid grounds for your petition, and meet all the requirements and guidelines set by the courts. The procedures and implications of a rehearing decision can greatly impact the resolution of your case. Good luck with your petition!


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Ryan Mitchell

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