Categories: Lifestyle

Transforming Lives With Plant-Based Passion: A Journey With Gillian Berry

We are excited to feature Gillian Berry, a renowned advocate of plant-based living and a passionate YouTuber and podcaster. Gillian shares inspiring stories of transformation through plant-based diets, collaborating with prominent figures and everyday individuals alike.

Her inclusive and non-judgmental approach attracts a diverse audience, and her content is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.

Gillian’s journey to health through a raw vegan diet fuels her mission to inspire and educate others towards wellness. She has kindly agreed to address some of our key questions, so be sure to take note of her unique insights.


1. What inspired you to start a YouTube channel focused on the plant-based and vegan community, and can you share your personal journey with raw veganism that transformed your health?

I ran into a number of health problems in my early 30s – digestive issues, allergies, autoimmune problems, panic attacks, major depression and anxiety, skin problems, sinus problems, blood sugar issues, and more. I started trying different diets and eventually came across raw veganism after reading a piece by Dr. Sebi.

The next day, I tried fully raw food…and never felt better in my entire life! I felt like my true self for the first time, and eventually (in a short period), all of my health problems went away. This diet allowed me to live my best life, feel my best, and align with my purpose and more.

I started my YouTube channel because I was so passionate about the change I saw in myself and the stories I had seen in others. My channel evolved into mainly podcasts interviewing others who have had health transformations in their own right and has many times been called ‘the best health channel on YouTube.’

2. How do you select guests for your podcasts, and what are some of the most memorable or impactful interviews you’ve conducted that highlight the benefits of a plant-based diet?

I select my guests when I hear something from them that inspires me. I choose all of my guests myself and feature people who are well-known in the health community, as well as real stories. Chef Babette stands out as super inspiring to me – she is 73, has been plant-based (high raw) for decades, has the energy of a 20-year-old, can do 100+ push-ups, and looks decades younger. This is something widespread I see in my guests who take care of themselves – they look a lot younger, feel a lot younger, and have incredible energy. They are also thriving in their 70s, 80s, and 90s!

3. You’ve interviewed many individuals who claim plant-based diets saved their lives or helped them reverse significant health issues. Can you share a particularly inspiring story and discuss its impact on your audience?

I once interviewed someone named Sarah Erika, who was in a wheelchair. She was told by the doctors there was not much else they could do and that she would not live a long life. In a last attempt, she decided to try a juice fast, and by the end of the juice fast, she was running a 5k marathon! Years later, she is still thriving. I hear these types of stories all the time.

4. Many of your guests defy aging and attribute their youthful appearance to a plant-based diet. What common habits or practices do they share, and what scientific insights or expert opinions have been revealed through your interviews?

They attribute their youthful appearance and anti-aging looks to this: plant foods, explicitly eating as much raw food as possible, exercising, focusing on passion and purpose, and having a positive mindset and positive thoughts.

5. You mentioned reversing all your health problems by going raw vegan. Can you elaborate on the specific health issues you faced, how the diet helped you, and how this transformation has influenced your content and passion?

I had these problems: hypoglycemia, panic attacks, sinus issues, digestive problems, a severe allergy to gluten, significant anxiety and depression, fatigue, brain fog, and generally just did not feel good. The diet transformed me like nothing else! All these issues are gone, and I have SO MUCH ENERGY. No more crashing! I feel fantastic.

Raw food is ALIVE, so it makes you feel ALIVE. It has water content, enzymes, and life force. It also lifts me into a higher vibration, which causes me to attract a better life and create a better one.

As a result of this diet, I am now in my purpose running my YouTube channel. And my content is very creative, and I produce a lot of it! People often ask me, ‘Gill, how do you create so much content?’ I say it’s the raw foods! They give me the energy I need to live my best life!

6. Can you tell us about your collaboration with Joe Cross from “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” and other notable collaborations? Additionally, what inspired your upcoming luxe plant-based skincare line, and what can we expect from it?

Joe is amazing. He and his documentary first inspired many guests I interviewed! In his documentary, he had significant health issues and embarked on a 60-day juice fast (with the support of his doctors!), and by the end, he fixed all his problems and got off medications! His documentary was absolutely massive worldwide. He came on my channel to talk about his story, inspiring MANY people.

7. Your non-judgmental approach attracts both vegans and non-vegans. How do you maintain this inclusive atmosphere, and can you share some feedback or success stories from your audience? What are your future plans for your channel and podcast, and how do you see the plant-based movement evolving in the coming years?

People always tell me they love my channel because it feels like a safe space where I don’t judge them. This extends into my real life, too. My close friends say the same thing. I have a lot of ‘non-vegan’ and ‘non-plant-based’ friends! I do not judge! I used to eat meat and drink alcohol daily, so who am I to judge anyone? I believe everyone has to stay true to what makes them feel their best and follow their own path, even if that is different from what I do. My goal is to get people to eat more plants or inspire them to do a cleanse or perhaps go raw or plant-based and change their lives!

8. What advice would you give to aspiring YouTubers who want to follow in your footsteps and achieve success like yours?

I would say stay committed. It takes a lot of time on YouTube to build up a channel and community. I would say be you. Be yourself, and don’t try to be like someone else, or it won’t come across as authentic. Think of videos that you can create that both add value to an audience and also get you excited to create! Also, follow YouTubers like Think Media, who help people start up channels! They helped me a lot. Be loving and make positive content that inspires people and improves their lives! Find out what type of content people want to see and make it about that! If you don’t have all of the perfect equipment and editing, don’t worry. Just get started!

Gillian Berry, Thank you for your time!

Thank you for having me!

If you are interested in even more lifestyle-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

Ryan Mitchell

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