Categories: Lifestyle

Smart Decking Materials: New Innovations In Deck Construction

The decking sector has undergone significant transformations in recent years. Wooden decks, which were very common in outdoor spaces, have been replaced by new-generation materials. These changes have been widely accepted as homeowners search for durable and sustainable materials.

Modern materials, including thermally modified wood and composite decking, offer unique benefits that can’t compare with traditional options. Below is an overview of modern innovations in deck construction.


The Rise Of Composite Options

Composite materials are becoming more common in deck construction. They have changed how outdoor spaces are designed and built. This combination of recycled plastic and wood addresses most limitations of natural minerals.

The primary benefit of this option is great durability. Unlike wood, they rarely rot or decay. They also repel insects and can withstand harsh conditions. This makes them ideal for use in wet regions.

Composite materials also require minimal maintenance compared to wood. You don’t have to stain or seal them regularly to maintain their appearance. This saves homeowners long-term maintenance costs.

That aside, composite decks offer unmatched versatility, as they are available in various colors and finishes. This means homeowners can get the appearance of natural wood without compromised functionality. Whether they want a sleek or contemporary charm, there’s an option for every style.

However, homeowners should choose the best deck builder and installer to achieve this.

Thermally Modified Wood

Thermally modified wood is another excellent innovation in the decking industry. These materials have undergone transformational processes, primarily high temperatures in a controlled environment. These conditions change the cellular structure of wood, giving it exceptional durability and resilience.

The most notable benefit of this material is its enhanced stability. Heating reduces moisture content, which minimizes its risks of warping or twisting. This makes it perfect for outdoor applications, especially in regions with frequent temperature changes.

These materials also have superior resistance to moisture, decaying and insect damage. The modification process changes its composition, making it less susceptible to mold, fungi, and pests. This gives homeowners surety that they will enjoy their decks without worrying about common issues that come with untreated wood.

Sustainable Options

Sustainable options have also become focal points as homeowners embrace the environment more. As such, manufacturers have embraced various strategies focused on reducing the environmental impact of decking materials. These practices range from sustainable sourcing to optimizing the production process.

A key trend is the use of recycled materials. Most manufacturers currently make use of recycled plastics, like polyethylene from plastic containers into their deck formulations. Diverting plastic waste from landfills means manufacturers not only reduce environment pollution, but also conserve valuable resources.

Some manufacturers have also explored alternative materials that offer sustainability. For instance, bamboo has gained traction as a decking material because it grows faster and is renewable.

Decking Materials – Endnote

The adoption of smart decking materials is currently on the rise. This is because of their benefits of durability and functionality. These options are now popular, as they offer the aesthetic appeal of wood but are more resistant to harsh elements.

Beyond the material benefits, they cater to homeowners’ desire for a beautiful outdoor space.


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Ryan Mitchell

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