Search query: legal

Couch Potato’s Dream: A Motorized Easy Chair

Couch Potato’s Dream: A Motorized Easy Chair

That's what I'm talkin about baby! Imagine it's Sunday afternoon, you are in the mood for a little drive, no problem... as a matter of fact, you don't ...
Hacked IKEA Coffee Table Has A Set Of Trains

Hacked IKEA Coffee Table Has A Set Of Trains

Some people find IKEA to be compulsively tacky, while others love it with a passion. The thing is, IKEA actually isn't that bad. Yeah, some things the ...
Fat Cookies: Get Your Cookies Delivered On A String

Fat Cookies: Get Your Cookies Delivered On A String

I have no idea how this is legal, but I like it. This just proves that if you have an idea, and you want to start a business, nothing will get in you ...
Freakish Urban Improv: Super Mario Kart In Real Life!

Freakish Urban Improv: Super Mario Kart In Real Life!

I have seen quite a lot of geeky things after such a long time here at Bit Rebels.  But, I never cease to be amazed at the creativity people are able ...
Recycled Road Signs: The Landmark Artwork In Meadville

Recycled Road Signs: The Landmark Artwork In Meadville

When I see a road sign, no matter what it is, I always think about a speeding ticket. Why? It's quite simple really. Those speed limit signs keep h ...

How To: Scan And Open Money Images In Photoshop

It has long been said that Photoshop refuses to open or print any scanned money images. It just won't. It's a security feature that the governments ...
Digital Slingshot: Shoot Your SMS’s On The Wall!

Digital Slingshot: Shoot Your SMS’s On The Wall!

Few gadgets can rival a truly innovative and geeky approach to something that is both illegal and a form of amazing guerrilla marketing. Usually we a ...
A Zombie Wedding – Blood Never Looked So Romantic!

A Zombie Wedding – Blood Never Looked So Romantic!

When I wrote the article: Vampires vs. Zombies - Do You Know The Difference? several months ago, I was surprised by how many of our readers sent me em ...
The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

Pink is my favorite color. Is that why I'm writing this article? Probably. If it were socially acceptable in my line of work, I would wear a pink s ...
FatTag Deluxe: Lets You Tag ANYTHING With An iPhone

FatTag Deluxe: Lets You Tag ANYTHING With An iPhone

Graffiti is one of the coolest yet most illegal activities you can embark on if you're an artist or designer. Of course, there are several types of g ...

How To Remain Alert With Very Little Caffeine!

I was in the elevator the other day with a co-worker (Carmela Quirino), and we were discussing that she has to limit her caffeine intake due to hyper- ...
The iPad – Jailbroken In Under 24 Hours – Video Proof

The iPad – Jailbroken In Under 24 Hours – Video Proof

Yup, it's one of those things that you get credit for breaking. When the iPhone came out it took quite a while to jailbreak it to reach the core softw ...
Just Unveiled: The Porsche 918 Spyder

Just Unveiled: The Porsche 918 Spyder

I am such a sucker for hot cars. I always have been. When I’m around a beautiful, sleek, sexy, fast car I get weak in the knees and turn to mush. I ...
Is Love Now Required For a Marriage License?

Is Love Now Required For a Marriage License?

It sounds like a silly question, but do you think love should be a requirement for marriage? Is it an infringement on your rights for you to be requi ...
How To: Secure Your Online Info

How To: Secure Your Online Info

As more and more people go online and participate in communities like FaceBook, Twitter and communicate via Gmail or maintain blogs, their information ...
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