Search query: car build

The DIY Doggy Geek Lamp – Let Your Dog Shine

The DIY Doggy Geek Lamp – Let Your Dog Shine

I have long been a fan of home electronics hobby stuff. This doesn't mean; however, that I am anywhere near being able to build anything other than s ...
Downsizing Life – The House The Size Of A Parking Space

Downsizing Life – The House The Size Of A Parking Space

We've seen a lot of wild and crazy houses, haven't we? After all, there is that woman who is building a house made from an old airplane, there is my ...
The First House Made Entirely From An Old Airplane!

The First House Made Entirely From An Old Airplane!

I've heard of using recycled materials to build a house before. Recently we even featured an article about a hotel made from garbage found on the bea ...
A Working Bugatti Veyron Built With Cigarette Packs

A Working Bugatti Veyron Built With Cigarette Packs

Wow, cigarettes have a lot of uses aside from smoking, don't they? A few months ago, I wrote about a fabulous installation built from 219,000 cigaret ...
6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

It is very difficult for me to write this article. I'm going to do it anyway because I think by sharing my experience; it might be helpful to someone ...
Melted Straws Fuse Together To Create Unusual Art

Melted Straws Fuse Together To Create Unusual Art

One of the many things I have learned from being a writer at Bit Rebels is that art can be created out of anything. A true artist is only limited by ...
Interview: Seventh.Ink – The Rise Of A T-Shirt Empire

Interview: Seventh.Ink – The Rise Of A T-Shirt Empire

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a t-shirt fanatic in every sense. I literally have a whole closet full of them. It's just the way I roll I gues ...
Typography Puzzle – Mind Twisting Letter Blocks

Typography Puzzle – Mind Twisting Letter Blocks

Anyone that has tried to solve a puzzle with over 1,000 pieces knows the frustration in getting started. Just finding those first two pieces that fit ...
How To:  Find Killer Twitter Content To Tweet

How To: Find Killer Twitter Content To Tweet

Here's the scene: You've been on Twitter a while, you've had fun tweeting about what you are doing, you've been retweeting the power users, but now yo ...

Awesome Paper Pop Up Book

I love pop-up books. I am amazed at the artistry that goes into the making of one. The term pop-up book is often applied to any three-dimensional or ...
A Twitterholic’s First 3 Days on Facebook – Lessons Learned

A Twitterholic’s First 3 Days on Facebook – Lessons Learned

I consider myself to be a Twitterholic. Except for on holidays when I'm not working, I'm on Twitter every single day for hours. If I'm on my compute ...
Interview: MOJO Themes – Get Your Mojo Right Here

Interview: MOJO Themes – Get Your Mojo Right Here

We all know there's a fair share of WordPress theme shops out the that feed our everyday need for excellence when it comes to blogging and design. Eve ...
Avatar Legolized | Insane Na’Vi Killer Helicopter

Avatar Legolized | Insane Na’Vi Killer Helicopter

I don't know how many Lego articles we have here on Bit Rebels but I don't care. Some of these builds are just too cool to miss out on sharing. The im ...

10 Ways To Secure A Successful Tweet

Millions and millions of tweets are written every day and most of them pass by our eyes like their life span never began at all. There a bunch of fac ...

How To Turn Browsing Time Suck Into Social Media Time Saver

Two of the biggest obstacles to succeeding (and by succeeding I mean, being consistently active) in social media are: 1) Feeling that you don’t hav ...
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