When big companies and brands plan their content marketing efforts, they usually take several months to decide exactly what they are going to do. However, sometimes all you need is an honest connection with the following you have built throughout the existence of your brand in order to pull off a successful marketing campaign. It also never hurts to spend some time thinking about what should be incorporated into your marketing efforts before you start.
I think it’s safe to say that anything that connects with your following emotionally is where you might put your most successful marketing efforts. I have personally seen that over and over again on pretty much all the popular social networking services. It doesn’t really matter if it is a video, a picture, or a simple quote – you will always get engagement if you connect with your following on an emotional level.
I think too many companies and brands are so concerned about trying to hit it big with their social media marketing that they completely forget the traditional approach. We must never forget that its through traditional marketing that we will reach the most people. Even though Facebook has a billion users and all statistics show that social media is the place to be, don’t forget that people have lives as well. They also go onto the Internet to search and research, usually for products they are interested in. It doesn’t really matter if it is through social media or search engines, people will still click that traditional banner ad or link once they have gathered enough information.
Maybe it’s this that made the Search, PR and Marketing teams over at Crafted compile their thoughts from the first ever Content Marketing Show in London into an infographic (really a list) which could help a lot of people find new ways and creative outlets to help them spread the word about their content. This list called 16 Thoughts On Content Marketing could be a vital push in the way you look at your content marketing efforts, and how they promote your brand, product or service. It’s by reflecting over what was that we determine what could be.
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