
Twitter Analyzer Can Determine Your Age By Evaluating Your Tweets

Ageism in social media is a double-edged sword. With Twitter specifically, ageism isn't apparent (at least to me) in the…

12 years ago

Getting Old Sucks: Captain America As An Old Man [8 Pics]

I read this week that "getting old isn't for sissies," and that's so true. We all think we are invincible…

12 years ago

How To: Extend Your Lifespan & Live A Longer Life [Infographic]

As I'm sure you heard, the world's oldest person just died a few days ago. She lived about 45 minutes…

12 years ago

Playboy Bunnies When They Get Older [10 Pics]

The whole aging process is still such a dichotomy to me. On one hand, I feel more confident and strong…

12 years ago

Elderly Mickey Mouse: Redesigned To Show His Age

Unfortunately, for most of us, aging is not something we celebrate. We cling to our youth with all we've got,…

13 years ago

Happy At One Hundred: Aging Can Be Beautiful [10 Pics]

I just love old people. They are so cute and full of wisdom. When I think about all the stories…

13 years ago

Your Daily Cute: Grandma Tries Pop Rocks For The First Time

Aww... I have such a soft place in my heart for old ladies. I think they are so full of…

13 years ago

An Aging Superhero: It Sucks To Get Older

Life is a curious thing really. Some people like getting older, while other people hate it. People getting plastic surgery…

13 years ago

Age Is Only A Number: The 100-Year-Old Pageant Winner

I love writing about old ladies. They are just so cute and full of wisdom. They are special people in…

13 years ago

10 Purchases That Might Indicate A Midlife Crisis

Recently someone I know suddenly sold her house and gave away almost all her possessions. It was such a bizarre…

14 years ago

World’s Oldest Successful Supermodel At Age 82

As a woman, I know firsthand what it's like to feel pressured by society to look a certain way in…

14 years ago

Anti-Wrinkle Glasses: You’ll Never Grow Old, Just Silly!

Age. It's one of the last mysteries that us humans haven't yet been able to master or control. Sure, we…

14 years ago

20 Tips to Look Younger Today

We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age.…

15 years ago

Want to Know the Real Cause of Gray Hair?

I heard it from my mother at least a million times growing up, “Diana, don’t do that, you are giving…

15 years ago