I don't normally write about concept design apps, but this one is super cool so I couldn't resist. Although I…
Digital technology is becoming more popular, mostly thanks to word of mouth. People are getting more and more comfortable with…
Imagine this, you reach down into the sand to touch a large, interesting looking bug. To your surprise, it quickly…
The nature of our environment and our lives is moving faster and faster. Just think about two very small pieces…
We've all read articles about augmented reality and it's many uses; however, this is the first time I've learned anything…
Have you ever heard a house snore? That is what this sounds like to me, and although the concept is…
We read about it all the time, augmented reality (AR) articles seem to be everywhere. Everyone wants a glimpse into…
We had a visitor today in the office and his job is to help agencies and companies understand and learn…
Augmented Reality is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are…
Now you can watch and play baseball virtually. Get stats, control the pitch and with true blue baseball sound effects.…