
Self-Assembling Printable Products Are Now A Reality

The innovation around 3D printing has been taking leaps since the concept became a household name, and the possibilities seem…

11 years ago

DIY Cell Phone Includes All Core Features Of An Early Mobile Phone

I am sure most of you who have a smartphone have once or twice wished that you could develop your…

12 years ago

DIY Tech Fabric Changes Colors To Match The Rest Of Your Outfit

Wouldn't it be great if there was a tech fabric that you could just touch to a color and it…

12 years ago

Interactive Mood Lamp Changes Color Based On Your Facial Expressions

I've heard of a 'mood ring' that reacts to your body's temperature to change colors, but this is the first…

12 years ago

UDOO: A Powerful Combination Of Raspberry Pi & Arduino Technologies

We've seen tons of incredible creations that have spawned from a Raspberry Pi, and even more DIY projects that are…

12 years ago

Spark Core Chip Will Enable WiFi Connectivity In Anything

The WiFiication of everything has finally started. As you might have experienced in the last couple of years, things are…

12 years ago

BrickPi Kit Turns Your Raspberry Pi Into Your Own Custom LEGO Robot

If you got your hands on a Raspberry Pi last year when they became available, you've probably had a lot…

12 years ago

Wearable Sound Effects Jacket Puts More Action Into Your Life

Roaming the real world as a kid or an adult is quite boring compared to that of the reality in…

12 years ago

Lifespan Of A LEGO Brick: Geeky Stress Test Shows How Long They Last

Have you ever wondered about the lifespan of LEGO bricks? Have you ever wanted to know how long they last?…

12 years ago

DIY Virtual High Tech Etch-A-Sketch (Complete With Shake-To-Erase)

All I have to do is hear the words 'Etch-A-Sketch' and I'm instantly transported back to my childhood when I…

12 years ago

Instagram Inspired DIY Photo Booth For Your Next Party

We all know how much fun photo booth machines can be. The tiny black and white strips of 4 or…

12 years ago

Snarky Google Shoes Talk To You When You Wear Them [Video]

We've written so much about Google Glass lately that it's fun to switch gears and write about a creation from…

12 years ago

Augment Your Tongue & Taste Your Data In The Form Of Tingles

If there is one of our five senses that gets left out of our technology enhanced world, it would have…

12 years ago