
The Mercedes Engine That Was Completely Rebuilt From Odd Materials

I've always liked the Mercedes brand, but I've never seen anything like this before. If you are into car engines,…

12 years ago

Barbie Goes Natural: This Is Barbie’s Face With No Makeup

There has been a lot of focus on 'real beauty' over the past few years, and hopefully more women are…

12 years ago

Liquid Crystal Technology Transforms Real-Time Weather Into Art

I was recently passing through the San Jose International Airport when I noticed a large liquid crystal art installation hanging…

13 years ago
Impossible Photography Or Just Extremely Creative?Impossible Photography Or Just Extremely Creative?

Impossible Photography Or Just Extremely Creative?

Combining different realities in photography has always been a fascination of mine. The techniques to master the skill are hard…

13 years ago

10 Amazing Photo Realistic Skin Illustrations

The art of tattoos is becoming ever more intricate and lifelike, and it's only a matter of time before we…

13 years ago

Muse Barbies: 10 Creative Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Designs

I've written a lot of articles about Barbie on Bit Rebels. I feel the same way about Barbie as I…

13 years ago

14 Dressing Room Diva Demand Lists Of Your Favorite Artists

It's one of the most mysterious and notorious topics you can think of when debating your favorite artist. We read…

13 years ago

11 Tips For Drawing Simpsons-Like Cartoon Characters

I was messing around on a forum looking something up the other day, and I found something else so interesting…

13 years ago

Coathangers: Razor Sharp Realistic Coat Hanger Sculptures

The everyday items that we all use sometimes seem dull and ordinary, and the thought that they might one day…

13 years ago

Inspiration: An Extraordinary Doodle Created In MS Paint

Some people definitely have certain talents and gifts that the rest of us simply don't have. They are able to…

13 years ago

Ultra Realistic Oil Paintings That Will Shatter Your Reality

It has long been in the interest of the game studios around the world to create the most realistic looking…

13 years ago

Design Inspiration: A 1937 Typewriter That Paints With Colorful Oils

Wow, using this typewriter would be like a dream come true. It's so inspiring and fantastic that I can barely…

13 years ago

Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

When someone masters the art they are continuously learning, I am always heavily impressed. It's like watching someone put their…

13 years ago

Beer Paintings: Extraordinary Art Painted With Beer

Well damn, who needs paint when you have beer, right? I'm a big fan of beer. Most ladies I know…

13 years ago

Nike Air Mags Are In Lego As Well!

So how do you like those new Nike Air Mags? They're pretty sweet, aren't they? When I saw that Nike…

13 years ago