
Turn Your Bathtub Water Into An Immersive Interactive Touchscreen

Gone are the days when bathtub play was restricted to a rubber duck and some shaving cream. It seems even…

12 years ago

Nielsen Study: We Really Like To Toilet Tweet (You Can Admit It)

I have two habits (which some people think are strange) when it comes to social media, and almost every time…

12 years ago

Moby Dick Typed On 6 Rolls Of Toilet Paper

I get it. Sometimes we want a little light reading in the bathroom. I've got a couple of trashy magazines…

13 years ago

Car Bathtub: The Geek Way To Stay Young Forever

When I was a kid, I remember having a friend who had one of those car shaped beds. If I…

14 years ago

Check Out The Biggest Bathtub In The World!

I love bathtubs. We do not have one at home, but I use one whenever I travel if the hotel…

15 years ago

Small Living: The Ballerina Shower And Bathtub

To accommodate more people in our limited space on earth, we're shooting for smaller and smaller houses and living quarters.…

15 years ago

Unique and Beautiful Bath Tubs

I am also a lover of interior designs and I found some cool unique bath tubs that I thought would…

15 years ago

Transparent Designs

You just got to love these cool and really creative see-thru designs. First up is the transparent B-IRON 725 iron…

16 years ago

Save Time – Shower On Your Way To Work

Ok, maybe it's not exactly like the title implies but this awesome way of driving must be the ultimate geek…

16 years ago