Behind The Scenes

How The Lightsaber Sound Was Created [Video]

If you have ever watched Star Wars, (who hasn't, right) you know that the most memorable things about the movie are the visuals,…

11 years ago

First Ever 3D Printed Snowboard Design Unveiled By Signal Snowboards

It's apparent that 3D printing has come a long way when you start seeing the innovation around it. We have…

12 years ago

The Birth Of A Wookie: Chewbacca Comes Alive [Video]

There are a lot of people who started their science fiction fandom by watching Star Wars. The fact that Disney,…

12 years ago

Facebook Redesign: How The New News Feed Was Conceived

There are currently a lot of redesigns being pushed out on social media sites. Most people welcome the new and…

12 years ago

How New York Was Entirely Computer Generated For The Avengers

There's no doubt computer generated graphics in movies have become much more realistic. Today it's hard, sometimes even impossible, to…

12 years ago

15 Behind The Scenes Photos From Your Favorite Movies

I'm one of those people who always gets so caught up a movie's story that I forget it isn't real.…

13 years ago

Unseen Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Behind The Scenes Video

It is always interesting to see the behind the scenes footage from some of the most iconic movies ever made.…

13 years ago

23 Epic Behind The Scenes Photos From Back To The Future

Some people have speculated for a while now that there will be a remake of the legendary movie series Back…

13 years ago

First Pixar Movie Ever Made Is From 1972

I think it's safe to say that everyone in the civilized world has seen parts or a whole movie animated…

14 years ago

35 Pounds Of Star Wars Blueprints Available Now

We all know the Star Wars community is huge and that the following is quite an amazing group of people.…

14 years ago

Company Raises $150,000 To Make Documentary About Minecraft

It's amazing when social media works as it's intended. We have seen it here on Bit Rebels, and we're constantly…

14 years ago

Interview | – The Color of Printing

We've covered quite a few companies here on Bit Rebels and now it is time to feature This is…

15 years ago

Interview | InMotion Hosting – Behind the Bandwidth

Everyone with a serious intention of running a website has come across a hosting company once or twice in search…

15 years ago

Web Design | From a Robots Perspective

Everyone knows by now that creating a website requires great skills in several areas depending on what kind of website…

16 years ago