
Twitter App | Peek Into the Bedroom of Your Favorite Tweeple

This article is about a goofy little Twitter app that was recently released and introduced to me by @CTK1 and…

15 years ago

The Perfect Lie | How Photoshop Distorts our Reality!

Having used Photoshop since almost way in the beginning of it's inception I have seen quite a lot of things…

15 years ago

Celebrity Twitter Overkill | Sequel to Twouble

When "Twouble" first came out on YouTube it was of course an instant hit. With over 2.000.000 views the first…

16 years ago

iJustine: From Geek to Internet Celebrity

Forget going from rags to riches, the hot story these days is going from geek to internet celebrity. Justine Ezarik,…

16 years ago

Alyssa Milano Rocks On Twitter

It's always interesting to me to watch how celebrities use Twitter. As we all know, most celebrities tweet about one…

16 years ago


Many people have gotten kinda interweb famous via You Tube, lots of people doing some really cool stuff such as…

16 years ago

Celebrity Caricature

Celebrities are cool subjects for caricatures. What is a caricature? A caricature can refer to a portrait that exaggerates or…

16 years ago