
How To Build Your Own Gaming PC Setup [Infographic]

There are a lot of articles on the internet about how to build a gaming PC. However, most of those…

7 years ago

Zero Gravity Workstation Is Every Computer User’s Iron Throne

Spending long hours in front of your computer usually pokes the question whether you have the best possible setup or not.…

9 years ago

You Can Transform Old Washing Machine Into Futuristic Looking Chair

I don't know how long washing machines last, but I've only had one during my adult life. That's not to…

11 years ago

Emperor: The $21,000 Ultimate Workstation For Ultra Geeks

They say that sitting down can kill you. It's a claim that could very well be true if you neglect…

12 years ago

Mobility Adapted Augmented Office Chair Design

If we all knew how much time we actually spend in front of the computer, and most likely in a…

12 years ago

Creative Hollow Chair Design Gives You All Kinds Of Extra Space

We've written a ton of articles about ways to optimize your living space, especially if you are living in a…

12 years ago

The Chair Snuggie Will Wrap You In Warmth All Winter Long

January is the coldest month of the year where I live, and I pretty much spent the entire month underneath…

12 years ago

Computer Recliner Provides Total Comfort For Computer Geeks

As a computer geek, you always spend insane amounts of time in front of your computer. It doesn't really matter…

12 years ago

Game Of Thrones: The $30,000 Handmade Iron Throne Chair Replica

HBO's smash hit fantasy series Game of Thrones, which is based on the books by George R. R. Martin, has…

12 years ago

The Geek’s Ultimate Guide To Improving Bad Posture [Infographic]

Chances are, if you are a geek, you spend more time in front of your computer than anyone you know.…

12 years ago

Multi-Purpose Chair For The Ultimate Geek

There comes a time in every geek's life when he or she dreams of a multi-purpose chair that will enable…

13 years ago

Beer Can Furniture: When Life Continues To Be A Party

The recycling community out there is always fresh, and they take whatever is at their disposal and they create new…

13 years ago

The Pencil Chair: Never Lose Your Pencils Again

How many times have you been at home and needed to write a quick note, but you couldn't find a…

14 years ago

The Lollipop Chair Made From Pure Sugar

Ahh... a chair made out of pure sugar. Could life get any sweeter than this? Too bad about that New…

14 years ago

Relaxation Shopping: The Customization Of A Shopping Cart

Anyone who has a household to maintain knows that shopping can not only be tedious, but it can also take…

14 years ago