
Top 5 Best Ergonomic Office Chairs To Keep You Inspired [Infographic]

Ergonomic office chairs are those computer chairs that support your body frame for long periods of sitting. It’s necessary to…

7 years ago

Custom Made Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Chairs You’d Want To Sit On

If you are a fan of the teenage mutant ninja turtles like I am, you are going to love these…

11 years ago

Geek Living: Lego Kitchen Counter For The Creative People

There are a lot of things you can build using Lego, and it seems we're starting to see some rather…

14 years ago

The Pallet Office: Most Recycled Office You’ve Ever Seen!

The office environment is probably the most important environment for any creative person. What you find is that most successful…

14 years ago

Funky And Eye Catching Furniture For…Giants!

Do you have an eye for interior design, and are you constantly trying to find the next big thing in…

15 years ago

The Cube – In This Office You’re the Boss!

For those of us in the corporate world, we slave away at our desk most of the day and more…

15 years ago

21 Year Old German Designer Builds House Out Of Beer Coasters

The ideas that some designers have are sometimes so radical that you start wondering if they even take their profession…

15 years ago