
10 Essential Food Hacks That Every Home Chef Should Know [Video]

I don't know what I ever did before I was exposed to useful life hacks. A decade ago, I didn't…

12 years ago

Learn How To Cook With This Augmented Reality Cooking Simulator

It's so much easier to learn how to cook these days compared to a decade ago. Back then, you had…

12 years ago

Iceman Creates Seriously Cool Ice Sculptures

How does he do that? Michael Stoddart is a talented culinary chef who has risen above the brie and cocktails…

13 years ago

The Millennium Falcon Apple Pie Design

This is a hella cute Star Wars apple pie. It makes the tiny apple pie baked inside an apple that…

13 years ago

Food Design: A Teeny Tiny Apple Pie Baked Inside An Apple

I love food inspired designs. Chefs and foodies who love to experiment in the kitchen are some of the most…

13 years ago

How To: Hack Your Blender To Make Blending Better

Do you use a blender? I go in and out of blender phases. I'll usually use mine almost every day…

13 years ago

Lobster In Ice Cream: Disgusting Or Delicious

We write about a lot of things on Bit Rebels that fall into the WTF category of creations. They are…

13 years ago

A Robot That Can Follow A Recipe & Bake Cookies

We've seen a lot of robots over the past few years, and when you see the video below, you might…

14 years ago

The Reason Kids Shouldn’t Cook Unsupervised [Humor]

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone has a cooking show these days? It's so popular now…

14 years ago

Technology: Use Your 3D Printer To Print Edible Food!

I know what you are thinking, and yes, this is nuts. However, it's nuts and it's true, so if you…

14 years ago

Luxurious Life: 10 Foods & Drinks Made With Real Gold

According to the magazines, the food craze right now is all about adding edible gold to our foods and drinks.…

14 years ago

The New Pop Tarts World Features Pop Tart Sushi!

Yesterday I wrote an article about some very creative, mouth-watering pop tarts on a stick. After that article published, one…

14 years ago

Creative Pop Tarts On A Stick: Yummm!

I've been saying for months that I want to write an article about all the different foods on sticks. These…

14 years ago

7 Cool Kitchen Gadgets For The Geek Chef!

My mom is a great cook, she can whip up anything in the kitchen from our favorite viand to baked…

15 years ago

Now You Can Roll Sushi At Home (Really, You Can!)

Misty and I both love to eat sushi. To me, a sushi dinner is right up there with chicken wings…

15 years ago