
Technology For Kids: Play-Doh 3D Printer (This One Is Real)

I remember on April Fool's Day this year when ThinkGeek came out with their Play-Doh 3D printer. It was a…

12 years ago

DIY LEGO Star Wars Clock With Interchangeable Minifigs

I know what you are probably thinking. You took one look at this very creative LEGO Star Wars clock and…

13 years ago

Star Wars For Lovers: A Creative Valentine’s Gift Idea

So you're married to the biggest Star Wars geek out there. What do you get him (or her) for Valentine's…

13 years ago

Pocket People: Carry A Handmade Friend In Your Pocket

Are you frustrated with your lack of real friends on Twitter and Facebook? Do you find it difficult to deal…

13 years ago

Amazing Porcelain Skulls: All I Can Say Is Wow!

Creativity can be such a productivity booster, but it can also be the devil for our to-do list if we…

14 years ago

The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

It seems like nowadays for every popular movie, you can find a mini version on YouTube. Sometimes it is just…

14 years ago

How To: Make A Super Sweet Plastic Skull Doorbell

Skull art has always been popular. A quick Google search will reveal a ton of really cool art inspired by…

14 years ago

A Delicious Dinner That’s Smaller Than Your Finger!

Kim Burke is hot right now, and it's no wonder. Mini-designs and food art are the trend, and she combines…

14 years ago
The Future Of Touchscreen Technology Is More Than Awesome!The Future Of Touchscreen Technology Is More Than Awesome!

The Future Of Touchscreen Technology Is More Than Awesome!

Sometimes living in Sweden can be quite an inspiration if I may be so bold and patriotic to say that.…

15 years ago

Hyper-Realist Sculpture: Can You Tell What’s Real and What Isn’t?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly is real and what isn't? Many of us live a large part…

15 years ago