
Fake Girlfriend Device Simulates A Girlfriend (Complete With Hugs)

Long gone are the days when geeks can't get girlfriends. That stereotype has been shattered many times, and now geeks…

12 years ago

Bubble Wrap Suit Is Perfect For A Stressful Rainy Day

Since the dawn of time, man has been fascinated by bubble wrap, or at least that is how it seems.…

12 years ago

Coathangers: Razor Sharp Realistic Coat Hanger Sculptures

The everyday items that we all use sometimes seem dull and ordinary, and the thought that they might one day…

13 years ago

Umbrella Coat: An Incorporated Umbrella In Your Raincoat

Don't you hate it when you start your day with a smile because the weather is somewhat nice only to…

13 years ago

Geek Design: The Television Built Into A Lab Coat

Are you worried that watching television might be keeping you from doing your daily chores? Do you feel like you…

14 years ago

The Geek Way To Stay Warm

I recently moved to Cincinnati, and man it is cold here!  I am still adjusting to the snow and ice. …

14 years ago

Carefully Crafted Sculptures Made From Laundry

Our clothes have a lot of character. Take a look inside someone's closet. It can truly tell a story about…

15 years ago