
The Technology Behind The World’s Best Coffee Grinders

Making something from scratch is not just limited to baking and cooking. More and more people see the value in…

7 years ago

13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Coffee [Infographic]

On average, two out of three people are coffee addicts and craves coffee several times a day, and the other…

8 years ago

Clear Coffee Will Banish Your Sleep And The Teeth Stains Too

In this day and age when the “fear of missing out” doesn’t let us sleep, coffee is our most loyal…

8 years ago

Inhalable Caffeine Makes Your Daily Coffee Redundant

If you are a coffee addict (or rather a caffeine addict), then you are going to love this article. All…

9 years ago

World’s First Wi-Fi Kettle Lets You Boil Water From Your Smartphone

Once again, it seems the most mundane activities in our lives can't escape the grasp of technology, and I love…

11 years ago

Beer vs. Coffee: See Which One Sparks More Creativity [Infographic]

Have you ever had a drink of coffee or beer and noticed that it affected your creativity? It's an odd…

11 years ago

Sprayable Energy: Caffeine Jolt Absorbed Into Your Skin With A Spray

I think I can speak for most people, or at least most Americans, when I say that we often rely…

12 years ago

This Is How Astronauts Could Drink Their Coffee In Space

People have always been fascinated with space, and what it has to offer - so much so that pop culture…

12 years ago

What Brand Of Coffee Will Keep You Going The Longest? [Infographic]

Let's see how important your caffeine intake is each day, shall we? I am sure that as you read this,…

12 years ago

World’s Largest Coffee Cup Is A Dream For Any Coffee Addict

If you're a coffee fanatic, when you wake up in the morning, I bet the first thing you think about…

12 years ago

Find Out What’s Really In Your Coffee [Video Infographic]

Usually when we write about coffee here on Bit Rebels, the response is huge. Coffee has become the source of…

12 years ago

What Your Choice Of Coffee Says About You [Infographic]

It seems people have an urge to constantly try and figure out how tothemselves. We have featured a…

12 years ago

The Benefits Of Drinking Coffee While Working Each Day [Infographic]

I'm convinced that sometimes the only way to truly learn about something is to experience it. It may be possible…

12 years ago

How Working In A Coffee Shop Can Increase Your Creative Thinking

I remember when I was a kid, my mother made me write and do my homework in complete silence. She…

12 years ago

Latte Art: Innovative Coffee Printer Puts Your Own Face In Your Foam

Latte art has become popular over the past few years, and as always, people find ways to go above and…

12 years ago