
Top 50 Movies Ever (Organized By Genre) According To IMDb

If someone asked you for an official list of your favorite 10 movies, would you be able to put that…

12 years ago
Funny Celebrity Fingerprint Portraits Display PersonalitiesFunny Celebrity Fingerprint Portraits Display Personalities

Funny Celebrity Fingerprint Portraits Display Personalities

If you are a fan of a crime forensic series on TV, you know that in almost every episode they…

12 years ago

Then And Now: Gamer’s Excitement Over New Gear

After watching this short little skit, it suddenly hit me. Gamers and gadget fanatics were a lot more excited about…

13 years ago

The Board Of Education Schools Star Wars With A New Song

A new song hit the airwaves recently that caught my attention. I personally stumbled onto it while listening to the…

13 years ago

ToeTunes: These Slippers With Speakers Challenge The iPod

Are you, just like me, wondering where the whole iPod and music player concept will go in the future? We…

13 years ago

The Simple Story About How Chewbacca Grew Up [Comic]

Sometimes it can take a lot to make someone smile an honest smile, and at other times all it takes…

13 years ago

If Seinfeld Would Have Had Access To Social Media [Comics]

You see, I was never one of the biggest fans of Seinfeld. I liked watching it, I definitely did, but…

13 years ago

The Evolution Of Music Delivered In One Video

Everything changes. Everything from the look of our hair to the landscape around us, and there is nothing we can…

13 years ago

7 Funniest Social Network Pass-A-Note Memes

When they announced that they were going to make a movie about how Facebook started, I was quite skeptical. My…

14 years ago

5 Ways To Scare The Crap Out Of A Hotel Maid

Having spent my share of nights at hotels around the world, I have grown quite used to the fact that…

14 years ago

Dawn Of The Ted: If Zombies Could Ever Be Cute, This Is It!

It's the age of the zombie movies, and pretty much every movie company in the world wants a share of…

14 years ago
Disturbing Comics To Make You Laugh (or Cringe)Disturbing Comics To Make You Laugh (or Cringe)

Disturbing Comics To Make You Laugh (or Cringe)

I'm a big comic book fan. I'm hard to please though when it comes to comedy, so my favorite comic…

15 years ago

Iron Baby Is Here! – Beats Iron Man’s Butt Many Times Over

I feel a little ashamed right now cause I have to admit that I haven't yet seen Iron Man 2.…

15 years ago

Darth Vader In Lego Land: Humor Served By Eddie Izzard

I had such a busy day today. The best defense to any day like today is to just find a…

15 years ago

Launch | “Social LOL” – Time To Share a LOL

Ever so often there is a new site that springs up out of nowhere and captivates the readers simply because…

15 years ago