
BreakUp Text: iPhone App To Help You Break Up Via Text

Apps are made to make our lives easier, and in most cases, they do. But there are also apps that…

12 years ago

Personalized & Adorable Apple Chargers: Charge Your Phone In Style

There have always been innovative and inspiring new devices and ideas presented on Kickstarter, but lately, it seems like there…

12 years ago

My Quest For The Utopian Laptop: Does The Perfect Laptop Exist? has one definition of Utopian as founded upon or involving idealized perfection. So when my wife was in the…

12 years ago

Cthulhu Barbie Will Devour Every Single One of Your Toys

There have been some crazy Barbie dolls over the years. From the fishnet stockings-wearing DC Comics Black Canary to the world's…

13 years ago

Star Wars Remix: Converting The World One Item At A Time

Everything seems to be about Star Wars these days. There is a new Star Wars movie box coming out soon…

14 years ago

Benjamin Customization: Make Your Own $100 Bill

Are you tired of the same old Benjamin Franklin on your $100 bills? Well, there is not much we can…

14 years ago

Lego PC Desktop Case: PCs Are Cool Again!

I'm a Mac girl. Even though I still use my PC almost every day for something, I'm on my Mac…

14 years ago

Angry Birds Laptop Decals: Keep The Fight Going

The Angry Birds hysteria seems to be going on forever.  Not that I mind the fight or the concept of…

14 years ago

HTC Tube: The New Smartphone Could Go Cartridge

With the news that said Apple is reworking the whole iPhone for the fifth incarnation of their flagship gadget, it's…

14 years ago

iPhone Case Lets You Add Bricks To Its Exterior

I remember not too long ago there was a Pentax camera which enabled you to add nano blocks its exterior,…

14 years ago

iaPeel: Awesome Way To Customize Your iPhone 4 Skin!

When a new gadget is released, it's always a race for developers and inventors to come up with something to…

14 years ago

Chocomize: Make Your Own Creative Chocolate Bars!

Today has been tasty, hasn't it? I started out the morning writing about a chocolate boat that you can really…

14 years ago

Personalize Your GPS With Your Favorite Photo!

I remember several months ago when TomTom added Darth Vader, C-3PO, Yoda and Han Solo to their voice collection. Like…

14 years ago

Get your own customized Tire patterns! | Kumho

In times when everything is angled towards individual customization we see more and more odd things that we can put…

15 years ago