
Online Dating: The Relationship Status Update [Infographic]

Online dating is completely different now than it was ten years ago. Back then if we met someone online that…

13 years ago

Angry Birds Are Like Your Sex Life [Chart]

Is there really a connection between Angry Birds and sex? Hmm... Let's think about that for a second. They are…

14 years ago

Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

We always hear about couples meeting on Facebook. Apparently Facebook is a very handy dating tool, and it seems like…

14 years ago

Wedding Vending Machine: Get Hitched For A Buck

What could be better than getting your wedding rings, saying your vows and getting a marriage certificate all in less…

14 years ago

How To Be The Perfect Pickup Artist – The Tricks [Infographic]

It's not a secret that geeks have a somewhat hard time when it comes to socializing with girls. Whether it…

14 years ago

Stupid Shit Women Say That Men Don’t Get

I've been thinking a lot lately about the differences in the way men and women communicate. I'm the first to…

14 years ago

Brotips: Redefining The Bro, One Tip At A Time

Over the years, I've heard guys call each other "bros." I've even see it on Twitter, but until today, I…

14 years ago

The Real Cost Of Dating [Infographic]

So there you are, you're just about to go on that first date. As a guy, you always want to…

14 years ago

Twitter’s Effect On Offline Relationship Longevity

If you are a Twitter addict like me, you are used to being judged, right? People in our offline worlds…

14 years ago

How To: Get A Fake Social Media Girlfriend That Seems Real

Aww, I have no doubt that super-geeks and nerds everywhere will love this! My only question is, why is it…

14 years ago

MANsaver: The iPhone App That Makes Marriage Easy

I read a post a few months ago that explained how some men set up romantic scheduled auto-tweets to go…

14 years ago

Crush Notifier: Online Dating Steps It Up A Notch

With all the success of online dating, it's evident that there are more people out there who want to find someone…

14 years ago

5 Worst Places To Hit On Someone [Infographic]

So you could call today the day after the greatest love day of the year.  Yup, the aftermath of Valentine's…

14 years ago

Social Media Dating – Wacko or Wonderful?

We've all met people on our social media journey that we would like to meet in person someday, right? If…

15 years ago

The Laser Suit – Channel John Travolta and Impress the Ladies

This is what I'm talkin about baby! Now you can channel John Travolta 'ala 1970s in this 2010 style laser…

15 years ago