
Zombie Army Men Inspired By The Walking Dead

Omg, reeeeally? I'm getting some of these zombie army men, even though they are ridiculously expensive. If you've been reading…

12 years ago

It Turns Out…A Real Zombie Apocalypse Is Possible After All

Zombies are all the rage, and they have been for a few years now. The inevitable zombie apocalypse has inspired…

12 years ago

The Walking Dead Is Back From The Dead: A Season Premiere Review

Spoilers below! Watch the first episode of The Walking Dead season three first. Or, upon completion of this article, reset…

12 years ago

Mind-Boggling Crocheted Taxidermy Animals

I have seen a lot of crocheted things throughout the years here at Bit Rebels. We stumble over that stuff…

13 years ago

Photography: Squished Bugs Peeled From A Car Windshield

I've noticed there are two types of people in the world when it comes to bugs. There are some people…

13 years ago

Dead Computer Room: Makes You Want To Say WTF!

There you are typing away on your computer not thinking about the fact that one day it will be yesterday's…

14 years ago
A Geek’s Tombstone: Be Honored As A Geek Even After You DieA Geek’s Tombstone: Be Honored As A Geek Even After You Die

A Geek’s Tombstone: Be Honored As A Geek Even After You Die

Yesterday Richard wrote an article about a service called Webwill that, after you die, will allow you to send a…

14 years ago

Dawn Of The Ted: If Zombies Could Ever Be Cute, This Is It!

It's the age of the zombie movies, and pretty much every movie company in the world wants a share of…

14 years ago

Pacman Lives: Is The Yellow Dot Muncher Real?

Few people on this earth could have missed playing the ultimate and utterly addicting game of Pacman. There have been…

14 years ago

Insect Sushi: Sushi Suddenly Lost Its Mojo!

I must say that I enjoy eating Sushi quite a lot. For lunch, it's one of the most refreshing foods…

15 years ago

Mosquitoes Crash Into Billboards and Create Artwork!

I live in Atlanta, Georgia and wow... the mosquitoes here are legendary. Often called Tiger mosquitoes because they are so…

15 years ago

Sexy Skeletons in High Heels – Photography Inspiration

This is so cute! We've all seen calendars with super skinny models, right? Well, it doesn't get much skinnier than…

15 years ago

Insects Embedded With Technology – Science Fiction Inspired Art

I'm having a hard time deciding if this is really creepy or kinda cool. Remember the guy that took dead…

15 years ago

The Secret Life Of A Fly In Pictures

I love insect photography as much as the next person, but I can't imagine posing a dead fly in all…

15 years ago

3 Ways To Fix Stuck Pixels On LCD Monitors

As a designer sometimes the annoying happens. With time your monitor might get an increased number of stuck, or often…

16 years ago