
What Is Special About Digital Marketing And What Are The Advantages?

A few years ago, for an entrepreneur to run a successful business on the Web, it was only necessary to…

8 years ago

What Impact Will Digital Transformation Have On Business Processes?

You only need to cast your mind back ten years to realize what a huge impact digitalization has had on…

8 years ago

What Is The State Of Digital Marketing Summer 2017?

In this forever evolving technological world, digital marketing has become an extremely fast-paced industry that is constantly changing to stay…

8 years ago

LEGO Calendar Hangs On The Wall Yet Synchronizes With Google Calendar

If you work with many people in a busy office, you know it's tough to organize everything and everyone. Everyone…

11 years ago

The Artist Who Sent Handwritten Calligraphy Text Messages For One Week

I just wrote an article earlier today about smiley face emoticons and whether or not we're all really smiling when…

11 years ago

This Unique Notebook Will Let Your Analog And Digital Creativity Flow

Now you can get your analog and digital mojo on at the same time. There is still something about an…

11 years ago

Digital Tattoo (RFID Implant) That Can Only Be Seen With A Smartphone

There is a growing group of people who combine a hacking mentality to biology. They are able to hack their…

12 years ago

Bigshot: The DIY Digital Camera For Future Hacker Innovators

Yesterday I wrote about Instagram, and how an accessory app can help you earn rewards from your awesome pictures. Without…

12 years ago

Smartphone Controlled Wi-Fi Digital Window Shades Save Energy

Although there have been a few innovative window shade concepts presented over the past few years, for the most part,…

12 years ago

Xentry: Turns Your Old Smartphone Into A Digital Peephole

With all the millions of smartphones that are sold every year, what happens to the ones that are old and…

12 years ago

Interactive Sign Turns & Updates Road Directions On Demand

I know what you are thinking, there are already digital road signs out there, so what's so special about this…

12 years ago

Kitchen Safe: Keep Your Sugary Cravings (Or Other Addictions) In Check

Okay, so here's the problem... There are a lot of people who can't keep themselves and their sugar cravings in…

12 years ago

Interactive Clothes Hangers Add New Dimension To Shopping & Marketing

A few months ago we featured some high tech clothes hangers that digitally display the number of Facebook likes that…

12 years ago

Touch Sensitive Poster With Conductive Paint Is A Musical Instrument

Back in the old days, before technology was all around us, people really only had two options to make music.…

12 years ago

7 Types Of Digital Marketers: Modern Marketing Humor [Infographic]

Digital marketing, which is a buzz phrase in the modern marketing sphere, has so many different meanings to different marketers…

12 years ago