
The Unexpected Effects Of Smartphone Use (Including Acne Breakouts)

If you are a regular reader of Bit Rebels, you know how dirty your smartphone is. I've written about it…

12 years ago

Shower Clean Suit: Squeaky Clean Suit For Men Who Are Short On Time

We talk about optimization a lot on Bit Rebels. By optimizing our daily tasks and making them more efficient, we…

12 years ago

Trash-Powered Cleaning Robot Will Eat The Trash & Dirt In Your House

Many times I've imagined what it would be like to have a cleaning robot roam around my house all day,…

12 years ago

High Tech Wristband Ensures Doctors Are Washing Hands Properly

I have tremendous respect for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who devote their lives to helping others. I know…

12 years ago
For Workaholics: A Keyboard Design With A Lunch Bowl Built InFor Workaholics: A Keyboard Design With A Lunch Bowl Built In

For Workaholics: A Keyboard Design With A Lunch Bowl Built In

Do you get to take a lunch break every day when you're at work? I don't. Well, I could, but…

12 years ago

Tech Germs: Our Gadgets Are Disgustingly Dirty [Infographic]

When I saw an article on Mashable yesterday called 16% of Cellphones Have Poop On Them, I knew I had…

13 years ago

Germaphobes: New Technology Makes Clothes Germ-Free

Do you carry hand sanitizer around with you and use it like it's your lifesaver? Do you wash your hands…

14 years ago

Dirty or Delicious: The 5-Second-Rule Investigated

If you have kids, you are probably familiar with the 5-second-rule. It's a rule that claims that if you drop…

14 years ago

Science: He Wore Jeans For 15 Months Without Washing Them

I know you are probably wondering how this article can be about science, but trust me, wearing jeans for 15…

14 years ago

FOKI: The Shoes That Clean The Floor

After a long day of hard work, sometimes it seems coming home is yet another time to get busy working.…

14 years ago

Bubble Scrubber: The Fun Way To Clean The Dishes

Anyone who doesn't have a dishwasher knows that the task of washing plates, glasses, knives and forks can be the…

14 years ago

The USB Curse Cup – You Say It, You Pay It

I don't want to brag or come across as a prude, but I have never been much of a swearer…

15 years ago