
Drunk Tweeting: Dangers Of Tweeting Under The Influence [Infographic]

If you've gotten on Twitter or Facebook after having a bottle of wine at dinner or one too many beers…

12 years ago

Finally…An Anti-Hangover Beer That Will Leave You Feeling Energized

It seems so obvious. We've written about many hangover solutions over the years, but doesn't it make more sense to…

12 years ago

Correlation Between Intelligence & Drinking Alcohol [Infographic]

Over the years, there have been a lot of studies about the correlation between intelligence and our predisposition to certain…

12 years ago

Breathalyzer Watch Knows If You Should Get A Ride Home Or Call A Cab

There have been so many personal breathalyzer devices, smartphone add-ons and apps released over the past few years, but this…

12 years ago

Smart Ice Cubes Dance To Music & Keep You From Drinking Too Much

Have you ever been at a party and lost track of how many drinks you had? Did you wake up…

12 years ago

The Office Christmas Party Drinking Guide [Infographic]

It's that time of year again for the infamous office Christmas party at companies all over the world. I've definitely…

12 years ago

Hangover Heaven: The 45-Minute Hangover Cure

It's happened to almost all of us. We have a few too many and wake up the next morning with…

13 years ago

Award-Winning Drunk Baby Ads Sell Whiskey Infused Chocolates

Wow, I never knew until I saw these pictures how much being drunk looks the same as being tired. Although…

13 years ago

My Drunk Kitchen Holiday Edition: Rabbi GingerHead

By now, you've heard of My Drunk Kitchen, right? If not, oh my gosh, it's your lucky day. I wrote…

13 years ago

16 Things Impossible To Say When You Are Drunk

So there you are, partying away with your friends, and you're emptying beer after beer and having a jolly time.…

13 years ago

Beverage Costs vs. Calories: For Dieting Broke Partiers

As a beer drinker, I'm very aware of the high number of calories a beer contains. Lucky for me, I…

14 years ago

Funtoxication: Fun App Checks Your Blood Alcohol Level

Driving while drunk is just not cool. We all know that. I cannot think of one situation where it is…

14 years ago

The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

Omg, I betcha this is going to be one of the funniest things you read about all day. Yesterday I…

14 years ago

How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

I'm sure you have never had one too many glasses of wine and started tweeting and DM'ing inappropriate stuff like…

14 years ago

A Boozer’s Dream: A Collection of 6,788 Unique Beer Cans

Forget a wine cellar with a collection of prestigious bottles of wine, instead, how would you like to have a…

14 years ago