
Bit: First Electronic Personal Helicopter Prototype Unveiled

A few months ago, I wrote about the first personal jet pack available to the public. Back then it was…

12 years ago

An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

Are you a workaholic? Do you get so focused on your projects that time slips by, and when you finally…

13 years ago

Ring Shaver: The Future Of Grooming Is Revealed

It's probably one of the most frequent commercials on TV, and it seems for each year that passes by, the…

14 years ago

Public Digital Bulletin Boards Could Soon Grace Our Society!

Ever since the iPhone made its triumphant introduction into the world, it is like we are all spellbound by its…

14 years ago

Play That T-Shirt: Electronic Music Synthesizer Shirt

We have become obsessed with the illustrations and designs on the t-shirts from Seventh.Ink, but when it comes to next…

14 years ago

Now You Can Have A Spy Camera On Your Shirt!

I grew up watching spy/action movies. My favorite was 007 because I thought the gadgets he used were totally awesome.…

14 years ago

A Luxurious Beanbag Chair For Your iPhone

Oh, I've seen it all now. I know people love their cellphones but geeeeez. Are you in love with your…

14 years ago

Fanatical Bubble Wrap Poppers – This Is For You!

What is it with our bubble wrap fascination? I just had a package delivered a few minutes ago, and my…

14 years ago

Clip-On USB Memory Stick – Perfect For Traveling Geeks!

I am sure that we all need one more USB stick to add to our already huge collection, right? I…

15 years ago

Cool T-Shirts That Really Rock!

I love music and one of my favorite genres is rock music. For those of you who follow me on…

15 years ago

How To Catch A Mouse! Get Rid Of Those Pests Now!

Do you have problems with mice in your house? We don't have that problem in our house since we have…

15 years ago

Plastic Logic : e Reader Review

So many eReaders have been released in the market.  Plastic Logic wants to break free from the market and give…

15 years ago