
How To: Make A Transparent Nike Shoe Aquarium

I must admit, I never thought I would write that title, but here it is. As odd as it seems,…

15 years ago

Resonate: Über Impressive Animal Tribal Artwork

Alright, I have said it before but this time I really mean what I am saying. There is art and…

15 years ago

The Only Animal That Can Live Forever – Do You Know What It Is?

Today I would like to share with you an interesting little tidbit of knowledge that you will probably never use…

15 years ago

Have You Ever Blown A Giant Sea Mollusk Before?

I know, it’s a loaded question. I don’t normally watch television, but a few days ago my son was watching…

15 years ago

Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

If you had the ability to grow your own meat and fish in a device that looks like something you'd…

15 years ago

Talk of the town

What would you do to attract new business to your restaurant? Kudos to another clever idea by Publicis (for Fisch…

16 years ago