flash mob

Swarm: Amazing Video Of Birds In Flight

From the dive bombing of an angry hummingbird to the placid motion of a flock of Canadian geese in the…

13 years ago

The Frozen Star Wars Flash Mob In Times Square

The flash mob culture is one of those "inventions" that can be applied to just about anything. It's a fantastic…

13 years ago

International Pillow Fight Day: Feathers Are Everywhere

Are you in the mood to smash someone in the face today? Do you have some pent up energy you…

14 years ago

Check Out These Tuxedos In The Ocean!

This is just bizarre to watch! There is something so perplexing about seeing men in tuxedos swim in the ocean.…

15 years ago

Creative Flash Mob | Invisible Dogs

Recently over 2,000 people walked invisible dogs in New York one afternoon. Their instructions? Walk your invisible dogs as if…

15 years ago

Flash Mob on the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock

Anyone remember woodstock? I was still a kid then when that occured but it has been one of the most…

16 years ago

3 Fascinating Flash Mobs

I love flash mobs. I don’t know if it’s the creativity and talent or the element of surprise that gets…

16 years ago