
LEGO Sushi: One Giant Sushi Roll Created Entirely From LEGO

This LEGO sushi roll sculpture made my day. I'm a huge sushi and LEGO fan, and this is just what…

12 years ago

What Happened In 1 Minute On Social Networks In 2012 [Infographic]

Within every minute, something transpires in social media. Whether that is a new like, a new connection, a tweet, or…

12 years ago

A Tribute To The ’80s VHS Tapes & Games [12 Sharpie Drawings]

I can still remember the day that our family got a VCR when I was young. My little sisters and…

12 years ago

Why Social Media Isn’t A Waste Of Time [Infograhic]

On a normal day, I spend about all the time on two or three different social networking services. Well, of…

13 years ago

Social Media Sharing: Who Shares Where Online [Infographic]

I gotta be honest with you, I'm getting a little burned out on infographics. They're cool and all, and sometimes…

13 years ago

6 Sneaker Designs For Serious Social Media Addicts

If you are a social media addict, you are constantly connected to your personal networking stream. Whether it's Twitter, Facebook,…

13 years ago

Drowning In Photos: Over 1,000,000 Flickr Photographs Printed

Do you remember back in the old days when we used to carry around a few photos in some plastic…

13 years ago

The Geektastic Gordon Freeman Wearable Lego Mask

We've featured so many fantastic Lego builds here on Bit Rebels that there are too many to count. Some of…

13 years ago

If Social Media Sites Were Superheroes [Infographic]

It seems like a lot of designers are having fun creating infographics these days, and when they are fun like…

13 years ago

Photography: Random People Texting On The Streets

Do you ever walk down the sidewalk only to stop along the way, which annoys everyone around you? If you…

13 years ago

Cookies For Geeks: A Delicious Social Media Client Gift

What do you do if you run a small company, and you want to give little gifts to clients who…

14 years ago

High Speed Photographs Taken At The Moment Of Impact

High speed photography and video seem to be hot right now. Every day I see new collections of photographs making…

14 years ago

How To: Effectively Photograph A Splash

Some days when I want to feature some extraordinary photography or effect for you, it's hard to pick which one…

14 years ago

The Escape: Portal 2 Recreated In Lego

Someone told me once that you should never start an article with a question, but this time I kind of…

14 years ago

The REAL Back Side Of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube And More…

Have you ever spent days on end lurking around the forest of videos on YouTube or even ferociously hacking away…

14 years ago