
Doorless Fridge Simplifies Food Storage Design

When a concept has lived up its purpose and become old news, innovators try to come up with the next…

12 years ago

Retro Seating: Now You Can Literally Sit In Your Fridge!

Many things can be modified or beautified, but few things can be turned into something entirely different and still be…

14 years ago

Apartment On Wheels: Smallest Living To Date!

It's like people actually are trying to fit their whole living space into a tiny box. By the looks of…

14 years ago

Magnetic Water Drops? – Your Fridge Will Sparkle

Interior designers think it's the biggest sin you can commit, while us deadly people think it's the most useful things…

14 years ago

App Magnets – Yes, We Have A Magnet For That!

I miss my iPhone. I need to get it fixed soon. I love that I never had a boring moment…

14 years ago

Monitor Your Energy Consumption – The Badass Way!

It's a resource that is causing earth to go into a downward spiral. Energy consumption is on an ever rising…

15 years ago

The Next Generation Fridge – Yes, It’s All About Touch!

Everything is advancing and there's really no stopping it. Soon enough the flippin pillow will have its own incorporated alarm…

15 years ago

Heineken: Beer Crate Of The Future Keeps Your Beer Cold

Anyone that loves beer knows that it usually comes in paper holders or old plastic containers that have been around…

15 years ago

If You Don’t Have These, You’re No Designer!

So you sit there, doing your work and frantically trying to finish your project before the deadline hits the flat…

15 years ago