
The Future Of Meat: Lab-Grown In A Bioreactor In Your Kitchen

We all know we won't be able to sustain our current food supply in the future, but the question is,…

12 years ago

Programmable Interactive LEGO Bricks Inspired By Video Games

These days, kids learn how to interact with apps the moment they can hold a mobile device. Kids born today…

12 years ago

Xbox One First Impressions: Is It Already Outdated?

So, Microsoft has released the new Xbox, the Xbox One. Is it the leap forward over the previous Xbox that…

12 years ago

Invisibility Cloak Technology Inches Closer To Becoming A Reality

Reading about invisibility cloak technology is a bit like reading about hologram technology. It's something we are all waiting to…

12 years ago

3D Printing 101: How It Works & Potential Applications [Infographic]

It used to be that a Star Trek replicator was just a far away fantasy that we all wished was…

12 years ago

Apple Patents Flexible Wraparound Display Smartphone

Most people are wondering whether or not Apple will actually pursue and release a flexible smartphone. In many people's eyes,…

12 years ago

Future Smartphones Transform Into Trendy Wristwatches

Everyone is talking about the alleged Apple iWatch. Will it actually turn out to be true, or is it just…

12 years ago

Future Living: The Smart House Of Tomorrow Is Now Prototyped

It seems everyone wants to have a say in how our future living will be shaped and formed. Multinational companies…

12 years ago

Living In The Future According To Microsoft [Video]

There have been many predictions when it comes to the future. A few have become reality, but most have become…

12 years ago

Mouse Clone Dummies: Next Gen Computer Security Feature

The ever increasing number of identity thefts has left innovators scratching their heads as they try to invent secure ways…

12 years ago

Wearable Tech Spawns Touchscreen Shirt For Ultimate Mobility

We have all heard about wearable tech, and how it is getting ever more popular. Everything from wristbands to backpacks…

12 years ago

In The Future Employees Will Be Replaced With Entrepreneurs [Chart]

I remember a few months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks here in the States, a lot of companies reacted to…

12 years ago

The Possibility Of Digital Global Currency In Our Future [Infographic]

We've been hearing about global currency for a long time now. Some people think it's a great idea, while others…

12 years ago

Future Innovation: What Are Companies Focused On? [Infographic]

Where is technology heading in the future? It's the one question every technology company battles with. It's impossible to say…

12 years ago

The Future Of OS X & iOS: What To Possibly Expect In 2013 – 2014

Now that we’re in February, speculation has commenced on what OS X 10.9 will look like. Apple is keeping its…

12 years ago