Google Maps

Incredibly Detailed Chicago Cityscape 3D Printed Using Google Maps

By now, pretty much most people who use the Internet should know about 3D printing. If you don't, you must…

12 years ago

Google Maps To Integrate With Google+ To Provide Personalized Maps

If you haven't paid attention to Google+ lately, it might be time to revisit it again. Aside from the other…

12 years ago

DIY Google Street View Camera Rig To Make Your Own Street View Videos

It's amazing what you can make with a cheap webcam and some open-source software. You are probably familiar with Google…

12 years ago

View Mount Everest & Kilimanjaro Like Never Before On Google Maps

As of today, people who enjoy seeing the most magnificent sights in the world will squeal with delight even more…

12 years ago

Now: App That Sorts Instagram Photos To Find The Hotspots In Your Town

As it turns out, Instagram is more useful than we may have ever thought. Not only do we take and…

12 years ago

Project Google Birdhouse: Google Maps Icon Inspired Birdhouses

The Google Maps icon is one of the most famous icons in the world. It's instantly recognizable, and it has…

12 years ago

How To: Make Your Own Virtual Reality Glasses With Your Smartphone

Even though there hasn't been a lot of progress made recently in the area of virtual reality, it can still…

12 years ago

Technology: A Parking Spot Locator for Your iPhone!

Wow, for people who live in a big city, like me, finding this app is like winning the lottery. Ok,…

14 years ago