
Check Into Foursquare By Marking Your Territory (Like A Dog)

As Richard often points out in his articles, people send us emails each day of interesting things you guys might…

13 years ago

Spot Now: This New Mobile App Is Like Geolocation On Steroids

I admit it. I'm not a Foursquare or Gowalla user. It's not because I'm not interested in checking out geolocation…

14 years ago

How To Stay Safe On Facebook & Other Social Networking Sites!

I know people have different reasons for joining Twitter, FaceBook, Instagr.am, Blip.fm, Flickr, Foursquare, etc... My main reason for joining…

14 years ago

Soft Surveillance: Track Your Friends With A Real Time Compass

By now everyone knows about Foursquare and Gowalla. They are location based networking sites which tell your followers exactly what…

15 years ago

Geolocation Marketing Made Easy

Have you checked in yet? If you do not know what that phrase means, let me explain it to you.…

15 years ago

The Future of Social Networking and Social Norms

Thanks @leahbesajimenez for allowing me attend a social networking conference last week. The conference was attended by those who wanted…

15 years ago

Go! Discover and Share!

There is a cool application that I have downloaded on my iPhone recently where it lets me discover places, check…

15 years ago